Womb Health

uterus power

The World will be saved by the Western Woman” . . . because Healing & Awakening Her Womb is an Evolutionary Movement that Advances Womankind, Mankind & The New Children of Wisdom.
” The Dalai Lama”

In the last few years there is an awakening happening. Woman from all backgrounds are asking questions and are regaining control over their wombs and its health. Womb health goes beyond your routine GYN/OB care.

It is holistic health care – that is, emphasis is placed on the connection of mind, body, and spirit. It is placed on you as a whole, not just part of you.

Red Tent Sister Circle  has bridged the gap creating a space where knowledge is being shared and passed on.

Where you will learn hands on techniques to womb care.

Ever wondered what Yoni Eggs are? How in the heck do you use them? What do they actually do?

How about womb message? Did you know womb message is not just for fertility but also for the health and well-being of the whole individual?

What herbs can help you achieve optimal womb health? We can, together- learn and even practice making infusions, tinctures and so much more.

Many times we forget that sexual health impacts all other areas of our being.

So, how do we begin to heal? How do we release the energy that’s been held back in our wombs?

How do we tap into the goddess that is in all of us?

Enough is enough, NO MORE knowledge HOARDING!

Time to release your goddess and live the life you have envisioned for yourself.

For individuals:

Womb health isn’t out of reach. With the help of Red Tent Sister Circle facilitators you will learn the techniques and the will receive the knowledge, as well as have access to the tools necessary for womb care.

For professionals:

Learning the cultural perspectives to womb care are essential to the well-being of your client.

Learning proper use and techniques and staying up to date with the most current modalities will increase your professional success, as well as your clients confidence in you!

Join us on August 26-28, 2016 and learn this and so much more, while receiving respite and care. 

Send us a NOTE– if you have questions, comments or want to set up a training near you!

Disclaimer: Not all holistic health practices have been approved by the FDA and may not be designed or intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any physical or mental illness, disease, ailment or symptom. Always check with your physician and health care provider before starting or ending any treatment or medicine.

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