

The Ruby Lotus Red Tent  was created by the legacy of ancestors, wise woman wisdom, and diverse and dynamic women, who honor and collaborate with other women.

Our mission is to:

Create Sacred Space for womyn to replenish, be seen, heard and honored, Empowering one another through sacred sistarhood and community, and learn your WAVE(Wellness Advocate Values Education).

By creating a safe space, empowered retreats and training opportunities, we honor and collaborate you, build community, facilitate information and resource exchange.

What we’re about

The Ruby Lotus Red Tent is about creating change, starting with you! We provide a safe space where all women can release their creativity, speak about the things we would never dare to speak about, while learning acceptance of cultural diversities.

Our retreats and training’s challenge what we have learned about womanhood, our senses, variety and flavors.

Together we will heal and restore a spotlight on the goddess that is you!

Our approach

Our approach is to create retreats and training offerings for women in all fields relating to birth work. When we meet we sit in a circle, under a red tent. Our circle symbolizes no hierarchy in our tent.

Our red tent is a safe space to share with other women, without judgment or reprieve.

Ruby Lotus Red Tent allows for your self-care, commitment to ones healing and opportunities to grow in areas growth is needed.

Whether you lost touch with your inner goddess as a result of family commitments, work, or time- our retreats and training’s will help you regain what has been lost.

Our retreats currently take place 1.5 hours from New York city perched on 55 woodland acres with a beautiful private pond.

Our training’s take place in many cities around the world!

 Sacred Space

This is a safe space, where ideas, thoughts, concepts, views- etc., will be explored and shared. We will not agree all the time, but we can with respect express ourselves about the things we don’t agree with.

It is important for the things you don’t agree with to surface, for this is how you grow and learn new ideas and ways of being.

In the event that respect is not given or received- while we hope this will not happen, it might and we will have to make some difficult decisions in order to protect and hold our sacred space.

What is said in any Ruby Lotus Red Tent retreat or training, stays there!

We must empower one another, and build a strong community led by women for the health and well-being of women.

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