Wholistic Womb Wellness

Awakening a Conscious Connection to our Womb and our Divine Feminine Energy

For most women thinking of their womb only happens once a month -on their moon or if they are trying to conceive, but our womb has so much more to offer than bleeding and baby-making.

Our womb is the power center for a woman, it is where she resources her divine feminine energy, where she holds the power to create and manifest the life of her dreams.

This is why this program is so important to share with you all.

The Womb Blessing and Womb Healing therapies created by Miranda Gray gives us the opportunity to connect with our center of power and re-align to our divine feminine energy to heal our experiences of Infertility, PMS, PCOS, Fibroids, Endometriosis, Menopause, Sexual Abuse/Trauma, and more.

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Womb Blessing Attunement Female Energy Awakening

What is the Womb Blessing?
“The Womb Blessing returns our female nature back to its sacredness and awakens and restores our female energies”

Toxic relationships, upbringing, trauma, stress and societal pressure of living in a masculine dominant, modern world – regularly disconnect us from the awareness of our authentic female essence.

You will open more deeply to the divine feminine, raise your vibration, awakening blocked or dormant aspects of the four female archetypes living within you and expanding your awareness to increasingly embody your original and authentic femininity. Bringing love, harmony, and self-empowerment to your true cyclic nature.

It is truly a personal transformation to return to a more original and free form. It is a path of self-love and spiritual development and an awakening of our authentic female nature.

The Womb Healing

“What is a Womb Healing?”

The Womb Healing is hands-on healing that helps to balance the archetypes, Maiden, Mother, Enchantress & Crone and restores their energies, re-align with their divine feminine within and release energetic blocks. Giving the blessing of healing to the Star(pineal), Chalice(heart) and Cauldron(womb) centers, while clearing and balancing the energy flow and consciousness between them, brings balance and acceptance of the four archetypes of the feminine, which in turn brings about wholeness.

Womb Healings are offered by Moon Mothers between the Womb Blessings and can be received as often as you like.

Womb Healings can bring feelings of self-acceptance, empowerment, and wholeness – returning the menstrual cycle to balance, helping support women from peri-menopause to menopause, allowing them to embrace their new cycle of femininity.

The Womb Healing concentrates on healing aspects of the four female archetypes that are already awake in a woman’s life, but which have been depleted or blocked. When we activate and balance the flow of energy between the archetypes, this brings the menstrual cycle to balance and healing to a woman’s life.

The Earth-Yoni Blessing

A loving, beautiful gift from the Divine Mother to heal our Yoni (the vagina/vulva area), returning our Yoni to sacredness, and reconnecting us with the earth mother.
The Yoni is the sacred shrine of femininity. The entrance to the deep mystery of the soul and of life, as well as, our connection to the Earth Mother and our ability to open and feel with her energy. When we give the Earth-Yoni Blessing we open to the love of the Divine Mother and we allow her presence and energy to flow into our culture and society through the women that we bless.

World Wide Womb Blessing

Five times a year thousands of women from around the world come together to do something extraordinary to share love, light and healing as well as to awake in the sacred feminine within themselves and within the world.

You are lovingly invited to a free distance womb blessing attunement, honoring the sacred cycle and sisterhood of all women with Moon Mother, Priestess Rev. Maritday Rodriguez

About the Womb Blessing

After the Womb Blessing



If you cannot make this time, feel free to choose a time frame that works for best for you and follow the steps that are emailed to you upon registration.

Upcoming Worldwide Womb Blessings

2025 Worldwide Womb Blessing Dates:

2025 January 13th – Full Moon
Worldwide Womb Blessing 12th February- Womb Renewal – Worldwide Womb Blessing
14th March – Full Moon
13th April – Full Moon
Worldwide Womb Blessing 12th May – Accepting Our Sexuality – Worldwide Womb Blessing
11th June – Full Moon
10th July – Full Moon
Worldwide Womb Blessing 9th August – Abundance –  Worldwide Womb Blessing
7th September – Full Moon
Worldwide Womb Blessing 7th October – Healing The Mother – Worldwide Womb Blessing
5th November – Full Moon
Worldwide Womb Blessing 4th December- Circle Of Sisters – Worldwide Womb Blessing

Men and the Worldwide Womb Blessing

In ancient beliefs, men were seen as sons of the Universal Feminine and their energies were validated, cherished and cared for by women. And in return men supported their women as they danced the cycle of their nature, of the moon and of the stars, being the guardians of female space and grounding their flowing and changing energies.

There are many men who wish to take an active role in the Worldwide Womb Blessing to help support not just their partners or family members and friends, but to help all women in their awakening.

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Contact me at info@rubylotusredtents.org if you:

**Want to learn how to connect to your feminine nature and female energy cycles in a practical way
**Want support with the healing of your womb (whether you have a physical womb or not) from pain, disease, chronic conditions, post-operative disconnection, & negative association
**Are drawn to the work of Rev. Maritday Rodriguez, Miranda Gray, The Worldwide Womb Blessing and/or Moon Mothers
**Are considering attending a Red Moon Workshop, Optimized Woman Workshop or to become initiated as a Moon Mother
**Want to know more about what it means to be a Moon Mother or an Advanced Moon Mother
**Want to learn more about the Womb Blessing path

You may:

**Be completely new to this type of work
**Have participated in the World Wide Womb Blessing or been to a Red Tent or Women’s Gathering
**Have read “Red Moon” or “The Optimized Woman” and feel the need to put this knowledge of your cycle into practice
**Be experienced in this work already through working with women with their menstrual cycles, pregnancy, menopause, and/or fertility
**Feel drawn to be part of this global movement, dedicated to serving women all over the world to heal their wombs, be whole, and happy

If women become aware that they are cyclic beings during their menstrual lives, and they begin to recognize that they are part of the gray the rhythms of the universe and come closer to excepting their true nature and finding harmony in their lives. ~

Any woman can do any task at any time of the month and do it well. But if a woman does a task during the optimal days in her cycle, she can excel.

The secret of the menstrual cycle is not only that it is a high performance tool and a personal coaching tool, it is also a “happiness” tool.

When we carry out an optimal task in the optimal days we feel great.

Every woman’s experience of her cycle is individual, so we need to notice how our lives are affected by the phases of our cycles and to apply the benefits to our work and home life. ~Miranda Gray

“The feeling for me is that women are being called to re-align with their sacred female power center, feminine energies, and cyclical/seasonal nature. From my own personal experience, we all need help and support to re-calibrate, reintegrate & reactivate “ ~Ama’ritday

Books and Tools for understanding your specific cycle

Moon Dial to show the flow of your energies throughout the month.

The Flow mobile app Android or iPhone.

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